What does "universal" mean here? Hi, in these sentences what does "universal" mean here? - "An inner monologue does NOT activate the auditory cortex, but an inner dialogue does. And it turns out, what your inner reading voice sounds like is not universal." And: - "without being able to see or hear what’s going on in someone else’s mind, we tend to assume that our experiences are universal, so a lot of this research wasn’t done until recently" Thanks!
١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧ ٠٨:٤٩
الإجابات · 4
Does not apply to everyone in the same way. So how you listen to yourself when reading may be completely different than how another person will experience it.
١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧
Universal = General
١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧
according to the dictionary, universal is existing everywhere or involving everyone. I understand it is very basic and true to any situation.
١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧
I would say it means "the same for everyone". Definition: of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases.
١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧
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