Who can translate this sentence to chinese, or explain it in simple sentences? Thanks that any bookseller should think it worth-while to purchase what he did not think it worth-while to publish seems extraordinary.
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الإجابات · 4
the writer is saying that they find it interesting or crazy, that the publisher (who produces and prints books) would read a book that they didn't think it was worth publishing (producing and printing the book).
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the writer is saying that they find it interesting or crazy, that the publisher (who produces and prints books) would read a book that they didn't think it was worth publishing (producing and printing the book).
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It's like,..'If he didn't want to publish a that, it's amazing that anyone else would' ('should' means 'would' in this kind of old-style English! And I think worthwhile is one word..)
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“That any bookseller should think it worth-while to purchase what he did not think it worthwhile to publish seems extraordinary.” From the context it seems a bookseller needs to market a book properly as well as have it ready to publish. But in this specific example, if a book seller buys something that he wouldn’t consider publishing, it seems strange as he’s buying a product he wouldn’t endorse.
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