Can anybody help me to figure out what these acronyms stand for? ph - pondus Hydrogenii ??? I'm not sure about this one. What else can it stand for? HF - hydrogen fluoride ??? tip - ??? sq - ???
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الإجابات · 6
ph is used, in chemistry, to indicate how acidic or basic something is, on a scale of 0 to 14. For example 7.0 ph is neutral. In English, it stands for “potential hydrogen” (pondus hydrogenii, in Latin), but everybody just says “ph.” “Sq” can mean “square,” as in “ten square centimeters.” I don’t know about the others.
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Have you got a sentence / a text? It would be nice to know it.
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HF - hydrofluoric acid? tip - (if also chemistry) Tris Isopropyl Phenyl ??
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