Are there some alternatives to these sentences? I was reading an interesting article about the importance to talk to baby children but I came across with some tricky sentences before which I frowned. Could you please give me a hand? Here you go 1) Language UNDERPINS our social relationships 2) My baby didn’t sleep when he was MEANT TO, which meant I couldn’t either. 3) Speak in “BABY-ESE” with big, loud, slow vowel sounds. 4) I would often LOOK IN AWE as other... 5) SCALING UP, they proposed that by the time the children were four years old... 6) Other critics have since shown that low-income children hear many more words than they reported WHEN FACTORING IN LANGUAGE THEY OVERHEAR from conversations both inside and outside the home 7) Children who had more TURN-TAKING CONVERSATIONS were better at language comprehension tasks. 8) There are other ways to help speed this process ALONG, too 9) Though the games are GEARED towards children _____________ I thank you sincerely your time
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩ ١٤:٢١
الإجابات · 7
1) Language UNDERPINS our social relationships Language supports our social relationships. Language is the foundation to our social relationships 2) My baby didn’t sleep when he was MEANT TO, which meant I couldn’t either. Dyocs got this one. My baby didn’t sleep when he was supposed to, ... 3) Speak in “BABY-ESE” with big, loud, slow vowel sounds. Speak in baby language... Speak in baby talk... the -ese suffix comes from the ending of Japanese and Chinese as foreign languages and implies the same to baby talk. 4) I would often LOOK IN AWE as other... I would often look with great suprise as other... Though awe really means respect mixed with wonder. 5) SCALING UP, they proposed that by the time the children were four years old... This one's a little hard to give another option without context. Scaling up in general means to adjust to account for a larger number. Scaling up the recipe to serve 8 instead of 4 means I need 6 cups of flour instead of 3. 6) Other critics have since shown that low-income children hear many more words than they reported WHEN FACTORING IN LANGUAGE THEY OVERHEAR from conversations both inside and outside the home ...when considering language they overhear... ...when taking into account language they overhear... ...when accounting for language they overhear... 7) Children who had more TURN-TAKING CONVERSATIONS were better at language comprehension tasks. Children who had more conversations where they took turns talking were... that's a standard construction of using two nouns (the second being a gerund in this case), hyphenating them, and turning them into an adjective. 8) There are other ways to help speed this process ALONG, too There are other ways to help make this process go faster, too. 9) Though the games are GEARED towards children Though the games are designed for children. I thank you sincerely your time -You're very welcome. Are alternatives enough or do you need explanation of more of them too?
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩
2) My baby didn’t sleep when he was MEANT TO, which meant I couldn’t either. "Meant to" -- means "supposed to". Example: My baby didn’t sleep when he was supposed to, which meant I couldn’t either. (same meaning as sentence no#2) Explanation: the baby did not sleep w/c means the father will not sleep as well. He needs to take care of the baby.
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩
I was reading an interesting article about the importance of talking to babies and children and came across some tricky sentences. ... Thank you for your time. I thank you sincerely for your time.
٣ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩
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