Joey Rox Reneau
Canada travel guide I'm doing a research to vacation in Vancouver Canada next July. Have you traveled to there before? I need some travel guides. I'm going to Beacon national park and Banff town. by the way, I'll go visit los angels and Utah the United States after going to Canada. from what I learn, Vancouver is capital city of Canada, so I desire to get there ! The reason I'm learning Canadian accent is because I heard that American and Canadian English are quite different.
١١ نوفمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٥:٠٧
الإجابات · 4
Ottawa is the capital of Canada, not Vancouver. Ottawa is in the province of Ontario, and is about 4400km away from Vancouver. British Columbia is the western most province of Canada. Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia. A popular tourist neighbourhood in Vancouver is Gastown. The capital of British Columbia is Victoria. American and Canadian English are the same, though some regions have unique accents and Canadian English uses British spelling (usually). You probably won't hear a different accent between Vancouver and Los Angeles.
١١ نوفمبر ٢٠١٩
I've never been there. I just wanted to mention that my wife and I have seen pictures of a place in Vancouver called "The Butchart Gardens." The pictures are spectacular, almost unbelievable. This is the exact opposite of naturalistic landscape, I guess. It's artificially arranged, but stunning. We have occasionally asked each other whether we want to travel to Vancouver _just_ to see them. Not yet, but maybe someday. There is some complaining about them in TripAdvisor, but you can look into that for yourself. The complaints are mostly about the admission price, and that serious horticulturalists complain that they just keep using the same flowers over and over throughout the garden instead of having unusual and rare kinds.
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