Sara Elsebaiee
You Must Watch This The Israel's Attack on marmara ship: jura for ur suggestion,i will do it .
١ يونيو ٢٠١٠ ١٣:٢٥
الإجابات · 5
Sara,maybe we just dont watch it but try do something like pray to God .. Its seriously,its about humanity
٢ يونيو ٢٠١٠
Why not discuss this at Italki's political discussions group?
١ يونيو ٢٠١٠
Hi... It is so sad...
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in Russia youtube is not blocked. we are horrified and enraged. shame on Israel.
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youtube is blocked here,and the vpn makes my internet slow,cant watch it now
١ يونيو ٢٠١٠
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