Is money is the most important aspect of a job?
١٢ يونيو ٢٠١٠ ١٠:١٦
الإجابات · 3
the answer of your question for some people is yes, the impotrant of that job its salary or money , it doesnot matter for them they love it or not. also the answer for some people is no . the most aspect of the job that i love it and i enjoy doing it . their proverb is ,,,, love what you do to do it well,,,, nice point of view in the life . i agree with that people . you mustnot do something that you donot like just for money .
١٥ يونيو ٢٠١٠
for me,interest is the most important aspect to think about
١٢ يونيو ٢٠١٠
Definitely not. Although money is very important for our life,without money we can do nothing,there are some important aspects of job,such as environment,interset,benefits and so on .In a word ,it's up to youself.
١٢ يونيو ٢٠١٠
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