Maria Happy Teacher
Can you cardinally change your lifestyle? If somebody would propose you two alternatives: sharp change in your lifestyle (meeting new kinds of people, another sphere, shortening of hobby hours, you have to get up early...) with new perspectives to be, or the same good life and the same friends - what would you like to choose?
١٨ يونيو ٢٠١٠ ١١:٤٤
الإجابات · 1
Yeah. I did it in 2009. I got off my 2 jobs when I realized I didn't enjoy them. Then I spent a lot of time for travelling, starting work for myself (without a boss :). After 5 months I got two new jobs that totally great. Now it responses my hobbies and education. So I'm getting money for that I completely love. I belive it's a happiness. There were a lot of changes. Job is just the most expressive one. But now I'd prefer to keep things as it is.
١٨ يونيو ٢٠١٠
لم تجد إجاباتك بعد؟
اكتب اسألتك ودع الناطقين الأصليين باللغات يساعدونك!
Maria Happy Teacher
المهارات اللغوية
العربية (اللهجة الخليجية), الصينية (المندرية), الإنجليزية, الألمانية, اليابانية, البولندية, الروسية, الإسبانية
لغة التعلّم
العربية (اللهجة الخليجية), الصينية (المندرية), الإنجليزية, اليابانية, البولندية, الإسبانية