What's the difference between "안" and "못"?
١٩ مارس ٢٠١١ ٠١:٥٩
الإجابات · 3
안 means that you have ability to do sth, but you don't do that. 못 means that you don't have ability to do sth, so you can't do that.
١٩ مارس ٢٠١١
안-is not~나는 안배고파요. I'm not hungry. 못-is can't~한국어 잘 못해요. I can't speak Korean well.
١٩ مارس ٢٠١١
안是主观否定,是能做而不做。 못是客观否定,是不能做。
١٩ مارس ٢٠١١
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