充电宝 1⃣ power bank “电的银行”——充电宝 Power banks are popular for charging smart phones, mobile tablet devices, and other USB charged devices. 充电宝因为能给智能手机、移动平板设备和其他USB充电设备充电而受欢迎。 shared power bank 共享充电宝 2⃣ portable charger 便携式充电器——充电宝 For the people who needs to travel often, it is necessary to have a portable charger . 对于经常出差的人来说,有一个充电宝很有必要。 3⃣ charge pal 充电的伙伴——充电宝 Excuse me, can I borrow your charge pal? 打扰一下,你有充电宝吗?
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠٢١ ١٦:٣١