The first one have to be my mind. Thanks to it, im available to imagine, create and learn. I can’t imagine myself without my creativity, without my books. Second one is music. As important as my creativity, ‘cause it’s the impulse that I need every time that I need to escape from reality. I can’t even imagine my life without music. Last but not least, people. Everyone that surrounds me, have inspired me. Every single person is so unique, incomparable, fundamental. The ones who created what inspire me are the most important thing. No doubts.
٢٣ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١ ٠٣:٠٩
التصحيحات · 1
The first one has to be my mind. Thanks to it, I'm able to imagine, create, and learn. I can’t imagine myself without my creativity and without my books. The second one is music. It is as important as my creativity because it allows me to escape from reality. I can’t even imagine my life without music. Last but not least, people. Everyone that surrounds me has inspired me. Every single person is so unique, incomparable, and fundamental. Especially, the ones who created everything else that inspires me. They are the most important ones.
٢٣ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١
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