Tutor de la comunidad
What have you done today to help improve your English speaking skills? Do you study your English speaking skills on a regular basis? -Question from community tutor Alice that lives in the United States.
7 de mar. de 2021 3:43
Respuestas · 6
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
8 de marzo de 2021
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
7 de marzo de 2021
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
8 de marzo de 2021
I do self-talking. I'm my own speaking partner. I literally talk to myself about everything related to my day-to-day life so my brain and mouth get used to use it and not just to store words that I hear or read.
7 de marzo de 2021
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