Anton Xu
I grew up with my grandmother, ever since i remember things, she is a thrifty person, even when our family was starting to get a higher life quality, but her habits never changed, such as: keeps her old clothes as much as longer or actively go shopping and etc . We thought theses habits are really not necessary to be exists, because now the worse time has passed, but she told us that she prefers help others people who in needs helps, because she is from a very poor family , she still can remember the feeling of not having sufficient foods at table.
19 de dic. de 2021 10:07
Correcciones · 1
I grew up with my grandmother. As long as I could remember, she was a thrifty person. Even when our family was starting to get a higher life quality, her habits never changed, such as: keeps her old clothes as much as longer or actively go shopping and etc . We thought these habits not really necessary anymore, because the worst time had passed, but she told us that she prefers help others people who need help. because she is from a very poor family, she still can remember the feeling of not having sufficient food at table.
2 de febrero de 2022
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