Cual es la diferencia entre 'tal vez' y 'quizas'?
27 de ene. de 2021 17:32
Respuestas · 16
There is not any difference between those words. I believe that is like if you use "maybe" and "perhaps" both mean the same. Greetings!!!
27 de enero de 2021
This not an answer but athank you Elizabeth. Your questions are great and lead to really useful answers:)
27 de enero de 2021
I am younes 22 years old I speak english and german and arabic and amazigh and I am intermidiate in french I study accounting and economy I like reading books and learning languages and practice sport and know new friends and discuss important topics with others and discovre new culturs I would love to practice some Spanish or together if you want ? Thanks
27 de enero de 2021
Son similares, indican el hecho de una posibilidad
27 de enero de 2021
Hi Elizabeth Well, this is difficult to explain but I will try. "Tal vez" and "quizas" have similar means but in my personal opinion there are a little differences between them, let me explain: 1 Quizas sounds more likely than tal vez ( when you are planing a event, but quizas is more informal) Examples * Talvez hagamos un reunion con mis amigos ( 50 % de probabilidad) * Quizas hagamos un junte con mis amigos ( 60 o 70 % de probabilidad) Obvious depend on how you say it 2 tal vez sounds better or more friendly in some cases. Examples * Tal vez pueda ayudarte ( 50 % de probabilidad) * Tal vez pueda hacer algo por ti * Quizas pueda ayudarte ( sound like you don't want to do it) * Quizas pueda hacer algo por ti
27 de enero de 2021
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