Yesterday I was asked if my boss asked me to work overtime would I agree with this? I think my answer should be yes. Sometimes working overtime is necessary for our work and sometimes it is necessary for us to prove our values and our potentials. It may be a chance for our boss to notice our good working attitude and working ability when most of our colleagues are not willing to work overtime without an extra pay. What’s more, sometimes more work means more chances to improve our own ability and we are more likely to get promoted because of our ability as well as our good attitude.
9 de dic. de 2022 10:40
Correcciones · 7
Yesterday I was asked if my boss asked me to work overtime would I agree with this? I think my answer would be yes. Sometimes working overtime is necessary for our work and sometimes it is necessary for us to prove our values and our potentials. It may be a chance for our boss to notice our good working attitude and working ability when most of our colleagues are not willing to work overtime without an extra pay. What’s more, sometimes more work means more chances to improve our own ability and we are more likely to get promoted because of our ability as well as our good attitude.
I'm only going to correct one thing. Because should doesn't answer the question. We still don't know what you would do, only what you think you *ought* or "should" do. In terms of arguments, I think they're quite common, the ones you mentioned. However I'm not convinced it's a good thing. If it were an essay, I'd ask you to reflect on the negatives as well, instead of only presenting the positives. For instance, research shows that working longer is not the same as being more productive and can actually mean less productivity because people get tired. This in turn affects their lives more generally and thus again affects their performance at work. Then, if you reward this behavior through promotion, you're simply promoting the best workaholics and people-pleasers to positions of power and/or responsibility. Thus the cycle is continued. Is this ultimately a good way to spend your working life? I don't think so. Should a "good working attitude" (you mean a good work ethic) mean being willing to sacrifice yourself to this extent? One can also argue that working overtime, suggests you're not good enough at finishing your work within the allotted time. Is that good? Not to mention, if your boss requires you to prove something, then that implies he doesn't believe you and then why did he hire you? You don't mention that you want to work overtime *because you want to*. So, by being the one who works over when the others won't, actually you could be said to do everyone a disservice, because if everyone wasn't willing to work over, then the boss would have no choice but to respect your time and then you could relax.
9 de diciembre de 2022
Yesterday I was asked what I'd do if my boss asked me to work overtime. I think my answer would be yes. Sometimes working overtime is necessary for our work and sometimes it is necessary for us to prove our values, stamina, and potential. It may be a chance for our boss to notice our attitude as workers and our working capacity. As most of our colleagues are not willing to work overtime without extra pay, doing it might set us apart. What’s more, sometimes more work means more chances to improve our own skills, and besides, we are more likely to get promoted because of it.
Hi there! 🙂 I've made a few changes because there's some redundancies in the text. I wanted to say that 'I was asked if would I...' that's not going to work as a direct question. Now, there is an indirect question which works. 😉 If you want to make it direct you need to quote and change the subject: Yesterday, I was ask by John, 'would you be up for working extra time?' And I had to say, yes. Different cultures see matters differently. However, when you work you generate value, and that value becomes profits for your company. I don't see any reason not to get paid for it. A company is not an NGO where you volunteer for a good cause. It's something created to generate income. No one should work for free neither in Spain nor in any other country. A worker must be respected as much as a boss if she/he is a good worker. That's my view. I don't want to impose anything to anyone. 😉 Good luck!
9 de diciembre de 2022
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