Pedro Rogick
Tutor de la comunidad
Present perfect or present perfect continuous? Question 1 A) I've lived in Canadá since 2000. B) I've been living in Canadá since 2000. Question 2 A) I've studied French for one year. B) I've been studying French for one year. Which is the correct option?
23 de ene. de 2021 17:57
Respuestas · 6
With the verbs you've given there's no difference in the simple or continuous meanings. However, for most other verbs that isn't the case.
23 de enero de 2021
Both options are grammatically correct and both indicate an action started in the past and continuing in the present. Choice is down to style or personal preference.
23 de enero de 2021
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
24 de enero de 2021
How are you
23 de enero de 2021
23 de enero de 2021
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