About Music

hello everyone, how are you today? I hope you are well !
so, i just love indie and folk music,like city and colour, Bob Dylan, Julia Stone, the civil wars, banda do mar, just like mallu magalhães and Marcelo Camelo and i'm always practicing by it,can you show me songs to practice more my English? what is your favourite music style ?

Thank You :)

18 de nov. de 2015 21:13
Comentarios · 2

I have many favorites, but folk music, particularly folk music of the 1960s and 1970s, is among them. I've always liked Peter, Paul and Mary. They might be good to try because they sing with very good diction, and the song lyrics make sense and almost tell stories, so it's easy to guess words that you can't hear perfectly. Yesterday I was listening to "Stewball" on my iPad as I was talking a walk:




They recorded versions of many of Bob Dylan's songs. This will horrify Bob Dylan fans but personally I like their versions better than Bob Dylan's!





19 de noviembre de 2015

thank you so much Dan, i was listening to this song, and now i have a new favourite one, Peter, Paul and Mary, leaving on A jet plane is a great song too :) love it!!! 

22 de noviembre de 2015