What factors would you take into consideration when choosing an online teacher/tutor?

Hi, I'm new on italki, and I'd like to have some lessons with professional teachers or tutors. But I felt a little lost when I was searching for one. All of the teachers seemed really good. I couldn't make a decision.

So would you give me some advice, or talk about what factors would you take into consideration?

Thank you.

4 de dic. de 2015 7:32
Comentarios · 13

Welcome to italki Maggie


Based on your writing, I would guess that your skill level is intermediate to high intermediate.

If it is your goal to reduce the number of mistakes that you make, then you need a teacher/tutor that will focus only on your written or spoken mistakes.

The question then becomes, how do I select a teacher/tutor who has demonstrated their ability to identify and explain the mistakes and explain the correct manner of expression.

Teachers/tutors often demonstrate their ability to make simple corrections (with explanations) in the Question/Answer section or in the Notebook section.


BTW, I searched the internet for your location in China... Heilongjiang.... - 18 degrees C today.... ohhh, so chilly :)

6 de diciembre de 2015

Hello, MaggieQZ!  I'm with all previous pieces of advice, and I'd like to add that you look at the schedule of the teacher. Her / his timzone. Once I had a lesson and I liked the tutor, but then I couldn't find an appropriate time for next lessons.

6 de diciembre de 2015

If you can afford it, I would set up a single trial lesson with several teachers, perhaps one a day for a week, and make notes after each session about how you felt the lesson had gone.  At the end of the week, look back at each session and compare them.

It's very much a matter of personal 'rapport' - whether you feel comfortable with the teacher and, at the end of the lesson, you feel that you have learnt something useful.

If you can then 'narrow it down' to two teachers, or one teacher and a tutor, you could set up weekly lessons with both.  That allows you to continue tuition even if one is not available, or you have to cancel a lesson.

Finally, look at the country the teacher is from, and the type of English (s)he speaks.  Do you want to listen to the American, British, Australian, South African, etc. accent, and to copy it ?  Most Chinese learn to speak with an American accent, and this is the most common form of English around the world.  However, this is a matter of personal preference, and the purpose for which you are learning English.

4 de diciembre de 2015

Personally the tuition fee after knowing vital things is important. i think providing a opportunity to assess his/her patience and other vital factors at first ssession for you to be able make the best choice before paying the money is important.

4 de diciembre de 2015

Yes, it is, Charley.

I've booked two trial lessons with two teachers this week. Great progress for myself :)

8 de diciembre de 2015
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