السوءال عن الفعل

السلام عليكم

عندي  سوؤال.


ما الفرق بين قد فعل و كان فعل و كان قد فعل؟

24 de ene. de 2016 5:22
Comentarios · 4

(قد ) in Arabic has different meanings :

In the past:

1)to confirm something that really happend  without doubts ( التحقيق )

ex. : قد ذهب إلى المدرسة =  he did go to the school.

2)to confirm something has happend in the near past ( التقريب ) 

ex. : قد جاء صديقى = My friend has just come.

 In the future:

1) to inform something may happen ( التقليل ) 

ex. : قد يأكل التفاحة  = Maybe he eats an apple.

2) to inform something is expected to happen ( التوقع )

ex. قد يذهب إلى المدرسة = He may go to school.

3) To inform something is going to happen with a little possibility of not ( التكثير ) 

ex. : قد أزورك اليوم = I may visit you today.

24 de enero de 2016
its like when you say in eng, he does, and he has been, and he had been...
27 de enero de 2016

You are welcome @Adam :)

24 de enero de 2016

Hye Nada

Thanks for the info.

It is so.ething new to me to know Qad has so mamy meanings

24 de enero de 2016