Looking for Language Partner I am currently looking for a language partner. I am an ESL teacher. I can teach you English. On the other hand, I would like to learn different language too. Specifically, Korean, Italian or Spanish.
3 de jun. de 2018 5:46
Comentarios · 7
Hi Claudine, how are you?

I can help you learn new language Chinese if you are interested in it .[emoji]

3 de junio de 2018

Hi! I plan to learn English and I'm looking for a partner. If you want to learn a new language, I can help you with my native language Persian (Farsi). 

3 de junio de 2018


I speak Hebrew and Russian, learning English. I have a lot of experience of language exchange. 

3 de junio de 2018

Hello Claudine, How have you been?

I am interested in learning English. Unfortunately, I can't help you with your learning languages. But if you want to learn new language, I can help you with my native language Urdu. It would be pleasure to hear from you.

3 de junio de 2018
Just message me. :)
3 de junio de 2018
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