What are the books used in your country for school students? In India there's an institutional body called NCERT (NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ANS TRAINING) which controls primary and secondary, senior secondary( school + high school) education. They publish all the books for all classes(grades) pan India. They have also made those books(for all classes/grades) accessible online for EVERYONE. It is absolutely FREE.
 My question is---
What is the counterpart of NCERT in your country and if there's a similar system which allows access to those books which are used in your country please reply. It doesn't matter which country you belong to if such a website/body exists please notify :)

Link to every book for every standard/class/grade :-- ;
4 de jun. de 2018 8:31
Comentarios · 2

There is a state organization called Ministry of Education in Azerbaijan. They prepare all books for pupils.(for all grades). All books are available online and it is for free. 

You need to register. Then all books will be accessible.

8 de junio de 2018

This is how textbooks are chosen at schools in Japan.

7 de junio de 2018