Practising B2 Writing

I am taking part English challenge, This week I have to write some text. It is never to late. Here is text. I need a small feedback about my skills. Thank you for you help

Motivation letter for the project 

My name is Lena and I apply for volunteer project in Kamchatka. For 2 last years I have traveled in Russia by train. It was amazing experience and I realized how big is Russia. My favorite place is Baikal, it is magic place where you are completely disconnected from the rest of the world and feel connection more with nature. So, after 2 years in a row I want to change location and Kamchatka look like my dream.

I grew up in beautiful place close to biggest lake of Belarus and always has spent a lot of time in the nature, I took part in competitions in forest, tracks in mountains (not really difficult) and I love take care about the nature. Now I want to try a volunteering. In my opinion it is deliberate way to spent time during your holidays and to see what you have never  have chance to see as normal tourist.  

Few words about my abilities. I am working as financial auditor, what could sound not really applicable for such kind of projects, but if you think about any grants, I could be helpful also. Moreover, for 5 years I took part in organisation for young people around Europe, where I have organized events around Belarus and Russia, so I could be guide or a kind of event-organizer.  And I always ready for any tasks you need (for sure if it is not dangerous for me). 

 Still I have time to discover and be helpful I am ready for work, challenges and interesting projects. 
See you in Kamchatka 

7 de abr. de 2019 14:24
Comentarios · 1
If you post your text in the notebook section, you will get more responses (and the notebook section has better correction tools).
7 de abril de 2019