-ra -re suffixes

Explain me please when we use -ra - re suffixes in Hungarian?

10 de mar. de 2015 4:25
Comentarios · 3

Hi Julia! "-ra" is usually used after words that contain only "a, á", "o, ó", "u, ú", while most words containing only "e, é", "i, í", "ö, ő", "ü, ű" get the "-re" suffix.


asztal --> asztalra

fa --> fára

doboz --> dobozra

kenyér --> kenyérre

szék --> székre

könyv --> könyvre


A few exceptions:

férfi --> férfira (although some people say "-re"; but the rule still applies)

cél --> célra

híd --> hídra 


If the word contains both types of vowels, but ends with "a, á", "o, ó", "u. ú", the "-ra" suffix is correct:

csillag --> csillagra

telefon --> telefonra


If the word ends with "i" or "é", the "-ra" suffix is correct.

április --> áprilisra

papír --> papírra


If the word ends with "ö, ő", "ü, ű", the "-re" suffix is correct:

sofőr --> sofőrre

betű --> betűre


If the last vowel is "e", both "-ra" and "-re" can be used.

balett --> balettra / balettre


Hope this helps.

10 de marzo de 2015

Hi! Yes, you can use the rules (taking into consideration the exceptions), but I suggest you write sample sentences rather than just memorizing them, it's much more effective and also more fun. 


Néhány példa / Some examples:

Szükségem van kenyérre.

A gyerekek fára másznak.

A tanuláshoz szükséged van egy könyvre.

Anna az asztalra ült.


Néhány kivétel / Some exceptions:

A személyleírás tökéletesen illett a gyanúsított férfira.

A célra figyelj.

Péter felmászott a hídra.


Vegyes hangrendű szavak:

Letöltöttem néhány csengőhangot a telefonomra.

Áprilisban van a születésnapja.

Papírra vetettem a gondolataimat.

A sofőrre bízta az autót.

Kiskoromban balettre / balettórákra jártam.


Note: although in the case of the word having "e" as its last vowel, both "-ra" and "-re" can be used, some suffixated words sound strange. For example "pókerra", "kóklerra" sounds really strange for me, although these forms are grammatically correct. Maybe because the "-re" suffix is more common in this case.


If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, I would be glad to help you.

11 de marzo de 2015

Big thank you! As i understand, i can use this rule for all suffixes?

And could you say please when we use it in the sentences? In which situations? I saw the rule that we use it when we have question "Where?" (for whom?) and also we use it with szükségem.

11 de marzo de 2015