Adjective Declensions in German

Hello. It's been a while that I'm trying to memorize all the possible  adjective endings, but without success. -ER, -E, -ES, -EN, -EM ? it is a real nightmare!

I'm sure that studying this stuff may cause serious damages to my healthy.

I hung a table over my bed and every night, before to sleep, I look at it. But no improvements. They look so bastards and senseless! I decided that if a day I will invent/develop my own language, it will be a language without adjectives. Or at least only a few. But all of them will end in the same way.

24 de abr. de 2015 13:20
Comentarios · 4

Hey, Italian has -A, -E, -I and -O too. ;-) But perhaps this helps too:

25 de abril de 2015

My suggestion: learn the adjectives in the context of a sentence.

Instead of a table, make very little sentences.

Write 'Post-it notes' and distribute them in your flat, change the places every few days.


Good luck!

3 de mayo de 2015

To make a diagram or something that can make everything more clear, when learning a new language, you need to figure out how to make everything straightforward to you, get a notebook and write something down or a diagram on your computer 

fortunately you're not learning Finnish and Inupiaq, they're much more complex than German :P

25 de abril de 2015

just remember that these go with cases and genders. Just try to learn them naturally when you use the word and you'll get used to it

24 de abril de 2015