Matty Sue
How to stay on top of everything you've learnt?

Hey all, 

I have been learning Korean for almost a year now, and have accumulated a ton of vocabulary and grammar. The grammar i'm learning now is less complicated but just more specific. To the point i'm forgetting the differences of completely blanking on grammar and vocab that i have previously learnt. I recently was doing my flashcards and combined them all into one (different subjects etc) and ended up with over 1000 words! Not to mention i have pages of grammar.


This question is for all learners of any language, as you advance further into the language, how do you stay on top of it? 


Any suggestions are welcome, and hopefully others will see this post, so feel free to give each other advice as well. I don't think it's impossible to retain everything, but there must be an easier way to reviewing everything instead of just flashcards...right? 


Good luck in your studies!!

21 de may. de 2015 12:36
Comentarios · 8

it may be easy with you guys who speak Eng as native languages, but to people dont speak Eng (like me) it seems hard to make friends with native Korean. Everybody tend to find partners to exchange 50:50 and most of Korean here want to improve Eng i think, so people who speak languages that isnt studied much is hard to find partner

21 de mayo de 2015

I would usually try to apply anything I've learnt to everyday things. For example watching the television. Tell yourself what's going on in the language you're learning. Or whatever catches your eye throughout the day, describe it. But the best way is to find another speaker either online or in your area and... Well speak, and do so often!

21 de mayo de 2015

Use it or lose it~

21 de mayo de 2015

I agree with MeeYun. I've found the best way to stay on top of the language is to find friends who also speak the language (natively helps). I've meet people here on iTalki and on Interpals that I gave my Kakao id or my Skype name so I could text them and have spoken conversations. It's been immensely helpful! Practicing this way is less redundant than reviewing flashcards and I find I tend to learn from my mistakes quicker if I have the embarrassment of calling someone ugly instead of asking for a soft drink like I meant to (Yeah, that actually happened).



21 de mayo de 2015


 I think do what u enjoy in Korean. for exampel, watching movie or reading book or surffing the net 

you can have fun also learn Korean:)



21 de mayo de 2015
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