Bonjour, another beginning French student.

Hello everyone, my name is Justin. I'm completely new to the French language. As a native french speaker, what phrases do you find yourself using the most in every day casual conversation? 

I also up for conversation, I'm not up to par on enough french to order a sandwich, but darnit I've got spirit. 

3 de jun. de 2015 4:48
Comentarios · 3

Depending on what purpose you have by learning french, there are different paths you can follow.
There is no need to learn all the grammatical rules or the conjugation tenses, no one knows them all. You should start by finding connections between english and french (for example the huge common vocabulary), to make it easier and more logical for you to assimilate the language.

3 de junio de 2015

Love the attitude!

3 de junio de 2015

Hi Justin!

It is my first time trying to learn a language on my own, so I am still trying to figure out how to proceed too. But I would say that the best way to start is to speak the language as soon as you can. Don't wait too long. If you can say Hello in your target language and introduce yourself, I think you're ready to give it a go. Don't wait for perfection! Speak, speak, speak. You'll make mistakes of course, but you'll also learn faster. Chances are the person you'll be speaking with is a learner too, so they'll be in the same situation as you.
To learn how to introduce yourself in French, I think you can easily find plenty of guides on the Internet that would give you the basic sentences such as the following:

Hi: Bonjour.
My name is Justin: Je m'appelle Justin.
What's your name?: Comment t'appelles-tu ?
I've only been studying French for x days: je n'apprends le français que depuis x jours.
I live in xxx: j'habite à xxx.

How are you: Comment vas-tu?

What do you do for a living?: Quel est ton métier ?



PS: Love your profile picture Elias!


4 de junio de 2015