"Western Culture Poisons Women" escrito por un tal Roosh....Que piensan sobre esto?? Hoy tengo que comentar esto, recibí temprano por face un articulo que con este título (Western Culture Poisons Women) ...me reí un poco antes de leerlo, ya que me lo envio un "amigo" Chino que antes de este articulo me envió uno que decía que las mujeres Chilenas eran feas. El artículo de hoy tenia frases como "Western cultures cause direct negative harm to a woman’s feminine vibe and allure", "Western culture is a like a disease on the female human" y habla de 8 cosas que provoca en las mujeres el occidente, como por ejemplo: 1. She loses the ability to flirt with a man without busting his balls or insulting him......5. She becomes more lazy about her appearance by gaining weight, wearing flats and flip flops instead of heels, and cutting her hair short into strange lesbian stylings....8. 8. She becomes a status whore more concerned about your job, who you know, and what you own instead of the experiences you’ve had......las escribo en Ingles, idioma del articulo, para no provocar que una posible traducción mía al español influya en la intención del autor. Bueno mi amigo Chino , Benjamin, no se en que estaba pensando cuando me envió esto, tal vez algún oriental pueda darme su interpretación, a mi solo me resulto un tanto divertido y resentido de su parte, tal vez alguna chica occidental que le gusta no este interesado en él. Si les interesa leer un poco mas este inusual "articulo" les dejo el link http://www.rooshv.com/western-culture-poisons-women .....hombres y mujeres de la red..que piensan sobre esto???
2 de dic. de 2012 21:45
Correcciones · 3
Habia olvidado el articulo...lo volvi a leer y me pregunté nuevamente..."Dios, en que estaba pensando este chico cuando me envió eso??!!" jajaja
28 de abril de 2015
las mujeres Chilenas estan feas, que una mentira!
28 de abril de 2015
Well... this is a very controversial topic. I think everyone agrees that women are as capable as men in almost every respect (the exception being possibly a few physical endeavors) and deserve equal rights. As society becomes more modern and secular, there are differences of opinion about what gender roles should definitely be abandoned (like patriarchy in government and the workplace) and what gender roles should be maintained. Personally, I am physically attracted to women with more traditionally feminine looks such as having long hair, wearing heels and dresses, not having too many tattoos or piercings... But at the same time want to date someone whom with I can enjoy stimulating conversation with and who has their own aspirations. If you want another perspective, here is an article about Japanese women complaining that modern society has ruined many Japanese men... http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/fl20111217cz.html
2 de diciembre de 2012
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