Describe a popular comedy artist in your country You Ge is one of the most famous and popular comedy artists in China. He is known for his use of language comedy in TV series and movies, such as The Dream Factory, Big Shot Funeral, Let the bullets fly and so forth. I have known him about 20 years. About 20 years ago, every day about 8 pm, my families and I were totally obsessed in a famous sitcom-‘Stories From The Editorial Board’, which consists a serious of funny stories took place in the editorial office. In this sitcom, You Ge played a young editor who always had badly interesting ideas. For example, one time, he wanted to get a recipe for a traditional Chinese dish from a stubborn neighbour. He tried different ways and finally got it, but what he got was the wrong one. People ate his dishes all had the trots. I really like this comedian, because he always makes me crack up and even laugh till I cried. There are always jokes included in his languages. After I started to work, especially some days I fell pressed, watching a movie performed by him is the best way for me to relax. Besides, as I mentioned, I saw TV programs or movies when I was a child lived with my parents, so he can remind me of my happy childhood.
18 de abr. de 2014 2:51