Leseverständnistest 2 Teil 2 ...Arcade Project. In his essay ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’, he describes the historical, social and aesthetic processes that arose with the mechanical reproduction of artworks. This edition features the first book-form publication of A short History of Photography (1931) and Eduard Fuchs, Collector and Historian (1937), which form part of Benjamin’s series of works on the sociology of art and provide concrete examples to support his insights. *I thought it was incomplete because he never got to finish this particular project, but could this mean ’the surviving fragments of Passagenwerk,’ implying that some parts were lost?
23 de jul. de 2014 5:00
Correcciones · 3

Leseverständnistest 2 Teil 2

...Arcade Project.
In his essay ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’, he describes the historical, social and aesthetic processes that arose [that's a very liberal translation, "zusammenhängen" does not have the aspect "to come into existence". "are connected", "are linked" etc. is better] with the mechanical reproduction of artworks. This edition features the first book-form publication of A short History of Photography (1931) and Eduard Fuchs, Collector and Historian (1937), which form part of Benjamin’s series of works on the sociology of art and provide concrete examples to support his insights.

[Ah, indeed a footnote. :-)]

*I thought it was incomplete because he never got to finish this particular project, but could this mean ’the surviving fragments of Passagenwerk,’ implying that some parts were lost? [One cannot exclude that possibility from the German description, but I'd also interpret it as "it was work in progress, unfinshed and therefore incomplete". You can (and probably should, in a test) get around this problem by translating it more literally ("remained fragmentary" or whatever)]

23 de julio de 2014
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