Olina Song
How to write Paper? Currently i am very worried as i need to write my paper,but i don't know what's the topic i want to write? I major in Business English,hoping friends can help to give directions.Many thanks. By the way,my store also open,feel free to contact me if you are interested in the products,then i will give some discounts for you. website:http://www.aliexpress.com/store/1149060
25 de jul. de 2014 5:32
Correcciones · 2
Thank you Ajay Aggarwal!
25 de julio de 2014
Hello olina.. Nice to see you want to write a paper.. You should contact your professors or seniors for the appropriate topic as they know better of the same.. Always choose a topic of your interest.. You can search on google the various specifications required for a paper.. Start writing asap..wish u very best of luck..
25 de julio de 2014
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