An introspection after failure in a competion I'm depressed. Recently There was a company interior competition about innovation. I failed before the finals. And it was the finals today and I was an audience off the stage. Although I went up and accepted a prize for so called outstanding, I can not be cheer up at all. My notion is an app on smart watches, which intend to consolidate the inherent advantage of traditional watch, like convenience when watching the screen, with nowadays advanced mobile devices technology such as message pushing and navigation, to help passengers not to miss flights. I conclude that my failure is due to the diversion of hardware devices, operation systems, functions and prices of different products, the immature of smart devices nowadays that would cause the difficulty of deployment. I did figure out a solution that we were to distribute one brand of watches to passengers in the lobby and recycle when they leave, but sadly that's after I was eliminated. The most critical reason I failed was I didn't try my best to acquire support or resources especially from the superiors. I initiated my concept alone, signed up and designed alone. It's vital to know that you need to acquire supports from leaders cause they handle the finance and resources that can implement your ideas, moreover, they will give precious suggestions.
31 de jul. de 2014 1:24