Could you explain me how to tell the time in polish? Thank you for your answers!
21 de ago. de 2014 8:42
Correcciones · 3
Dziękuję bardzo za twoje objaśnienia. W zasadzie wszystko zrozumiałem z pierwszego razu bo są podobne reguły po rosyjsku.
21 de agosto de 2014
Oh. Alright, I put spaces etc. between everything but it seems they dissapeared as I posted the comment. I am sorry if it seems like a chaotic mess - if so, please, contact me so I could explain everything slowly step by step. Powodzenia!
21 de agosto de 2014
Witaj, Kewin. You simply can say: JEST(is) + THE NUMERAL(feminine as it corresponds to 'godzina'(hour), which has a feminine grammatical gender) 5 - pięć (number) 5:00 - piąta (hour) So: -Która jest godzina? (What time is it?, lit. Which is hour?) -Jest piąta (5:00) (It is five o'clock, lit. Is fifth) Therefore: 5:30 - piąta trzydzieści (lit. fifth thirty) 5:15 - piąta piętnaście (lit. fifth fifteen) 5:35 - piąta trzydzieści pięć (lit. fifth thirty five) 5:55 - piąta piędziesiąt pięć (lit. fifth fifty five) _________________________________________________ BUT, just so you know, you can also say (I dare to think it may seem complicated at first, so you should resort to using only the first version of the response!): 5:30 - wpół do szóstej (lit. half to sixth) 5:15 - kwadrans / piętnaście po piątej (lit. quater/ fifteen after fifth) 5:35 - pięć po wpół do szóstej (lit. five after half to sixth) 5:55 - za pięć szósta (lit. behind five sixth) PO - AFTER So: 5:30 - trzydzieści po piątej (lit. thirty after fifth) 5:15 - kwadrans / piętnaście po piątej (lit.quater / fifteen after fifth) 7:10 - dziesięć po siódmej (lit.ten after seventh) Remember that you can say: 5:00am - piąta rano (lit. fifth [at the] morning) 5:00pm - piąta po południu (lit. fifth after midday) BUT ALSO: 5:00am - piąta 5:00pm - siedemnasta (seventeenth) Since the hours go - 1:00am - 12:00am = 1:00 -12:00 12:00am - 12:00pm = 12:00 - 24:00 So: 7:00am - siódma (seventh) 7:00pm - dziewiętnasta (nineteenth) _______________________________________ Good luck!
21 de agosto de 2014
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