Off Balance Detective Gartner was drinking his favourite whisky when someone knocked the door. He tried to stand up from the red sofa but it was difficult to stand firmly bearing in mind he had drunk two bottles at that time. After one minute, he was able to get the enough balance to get to the door. He took a look at the mirror just before open the door, he was is a very bad shape and his three day beard made him look even worse. He took a deep breath and opened the door, the janitor of his building was in front of him breathing heavily. He told him that something horrible had happened at the building. Gartner put his old jeans on and followed the janitor to the roof. When Gartner arrived to the roof, he didn't realized what was happening after a few seconds. The antenna installer was hanging up from his feet, a cable winded to his ankle was avoiding him to fall out from the roof. He run as speed as he could to hold the cable with his own hands and he started to pull it with all his strengths. Eventually, after a few minutes of uncertainly he achieved to rescue the antenna installer. The guy explained to him that he was gazing up at the near building when a seagull made him fall.
22 de sep. de 2014 18:22
Correcciones · 2

Off Balance

Detective Gartner was drinking his favourite whisky when someone knocked the door. He tried to stand up from the red sofa but it was difficult to stand firmly bearing in mind he had drunk two bottles at that time. After one minute, he was able to get enough balance(pull himself together) to get to the door. He took a look at the mirror just before opening the door, he was is a very bad shape and his three day beard made him look even worse. He took a deep breath and opened the door, the janitor of his building was in front of him breathing heavily. He told him that something horrible had happened at the building. Gartner put his old jeans on and followed the janitor to the roof.

When Gartner arrived to the roof, he didn't realize what was happening after a few seconds. The antenna installer was hanging up from his feet, a cable winded to his ankle was avoiding him to fall out from the roof. He ran as fast as he could to hold the cable with his own hands and he started to pull it with all his strength. Eventually, after a few minutes of uncertainty he achieved to rescue the antenna installer. The guy explained to him that he was gazing up at the near building when a seagull made him fall.

22 de septiembre de 2014
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