Brayden Moore
Observation power “You lost me again.” Bradley was losing patience with Willie’s presumably simple explanations of quantum mechanics. “So you’re saying that nothing exists unless an observer is there to see it?” “Not quite. But observation, is the key to its functionality.” “Are you saying that this thing won’t work with an observer present?” “No, just that quantum probability waves are not resolved into a deterministic state unless an observer is present. The Quantum Probability Wave Attenuator increases the probability of a desired quantum event occurring by reducing the likelihood -- at least as the universe perceives it -- of alternate, competing events being observed.” Willie uncapped a permanent marker and drew a circle on what Bradley thought was a television screen. “When the tritium in this tube emits a particle, it could go in any random direction and make a spot light up anywhere on this phosphor screen. But when you activate the Quantum Probability Wave Attenuator, it increases the likelihood that the tritium will emit particles in only one direction and light up the phosphor only in the spot that I’ve circled.” “Increases the likelihood?” “To over ninety nine percent!” “By stopping the observation of everything else?” Willie shook his head. “No. Well, yeah, something like that.” “So how does it work?” “Just hold this button down to attenuate the competing quantum probability waves.” Bradley pushed and held the button. Willie grinned with delight as a small spot of phosphor glowed brightly in the center of the circle he had drawn. Willie waited for Bradley's reaction, but he said nothing. Willie looked up at Bradley and immediately understood the problem. With some trepidation, Willie said, “Um, sir? You don’t actually have to close your eyes while you hold the button down for the phenomenon to work.” It just needs to be flawless.
22 de sep. de 2014 23:30