Cleanliness I had ever heard before.that someone was saying to me , " Maintaining of cleanliness is part of goodlife". I have been affirming his statement . Because , its phrase useful for my life. I always mantain my cleanliness and hygiene. Now I'm religious Teacher , I've been teaching this subject in Boarding school in my city since 2 weeks ago. I teach my students for maintaining their cleanliness everywhere. They must understand or a type of wild pig importance of hygiene life. Every morning my students clean the class. I just guide them and giving some advices. When one of them thrown the rubbish not properly, so.his friend would gives advice for throwing the rubbish correctly. Today is the first date of October, that means a rainy season is coming. We must improve our cleanliness for preventing any desease and illness.
1 de oct. de 2014 14:58
Correcciones · 1
sorry, the phrase "type of pig" was mistyped.
1 de octubre de 2014
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