Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. TASK: Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. __________________________________________ Some people choose to become vegetarians. They think that it is good for their health and for our world. Firstly, meat is not very healthy food, especially pork. Pork is heavy and contains a lot of fat. It is not good for our digestive system. A piece of meat can be digested for many hours. Secondly, there are some farms where animals live in terrible conditions, so some people believe if we stopped eat meat, it would benefit the whole word. Thirdly, there is a theory that every living creature is worth being loved and respected, so we have no right to away its live. At the same time we can find another opinion. Firstly, protein is very important for our body and health. We cannot build our muscles without protein. We can have the most important amino acids only from meat or fish. The new study reveal us that children, who don’t eat meat or fish, lag in development. Secondly, human’s digestive system looks like digestive system of predator. Human’s digestive system is not for only carbohydrates, so a lot of fibre in human diet might cause a stomach upset. Thirdly, such diet is not for everyone. For instance, vegetarianism doesn’t suit for diabetics. In conclusion I can say that people must think about what they eat and why. People must not abuse people with another opinion. Children must eat meat and fish for their own health and development. Adults can eat anything. It’s a personal choice. 247 words
30 de oct. de 2014 13:49
Correcciones · 2

Some people choose to eat no meat or fish.

Some people choose to eat no meat or fish.
They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole.

Some people choose to become vegetarians.
They think that it is good for their health and for our world.

Firstly, meat is not very healthy food, especially pork. Pork is heavy and contains a lot of fat. It is not good for our digestive system. A piece of meat can take hours to be digested.
Secondly, there are some farms where animals live in terrible conditions, so some people believe if we stopped eating meat, it would benefit the whole word.
Thirdly, there is a theory that every living creature is worth being loved and respected, so we have no right to away its live. <i dont understand i regardless i think the best form of correction would be: live this way

At the same time we can find another there are contrasting opinions.

Firstly, protein is very important for our body and health. We cannot build our muscles without protein. We can have the most important amino acids only from meat or fish. Meat and fish can provide us with the most importand amino acids.
A new study revealed that children, who don’t eat meat or fish, lack in development.
Secondly, human’s digestive system looks like  are similar to the digestive system of predator. Human’s digestive systems are not only for carbohydrates, therefore a lot of fiber in human diet can cause an upset stomach.
Thirdly, such diet is not for everyone. For instance, vegetarianism doesn’t suit diabetics.

In conclusion I can say that people must think about what they eat and why. People must not abuse people with another opinion. Children must eat meat and fish for their own health and development. Adults can eat anything. I think you should clarify it or in other words simplify this statement. The idea isn't bad it's just how it is worded.
It’s a personal choice.

247 words

30 de octubre de 2014
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