ielts writing test, task 2 , please do me a favor and i am thankful. Happiness is very important to individuals but it is very hard to define. Why is happiness hard to define? What is your definition of happiness? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ While an increasing number of people are more concerned with making money than maintaining their relationships, some people believe that the relationships with their families and friends play a significant role in making them happy. However, it is difficult to say what exactly happiness is as the reasons of it may vary. To define the happiness, different groups of people have various concepts of it. For example, scientists think the achievement the made in their own fields while athletes consider champion title as a big honor which leads them to be happy. From my perspective, relationships and hard work are the two most important factors. First of all, human live in society and we are supposed to socialize. Almost everyone would like to make friends and play with each other in person no matter how long he/she has been living alone. It is certain that the healthier our relationships with others are, the happier we are going to be. The second factor to consider is that whether you will be regretted when looking at what you have done in the past time. For example, as a captain of my football team, I worked so hard to prepare for a football game of great importance. Unfortunately, we lost the game. I have the responsibility to comfort and encourage my teammates and I said “although we are beaten, we did our best for the game, we train so hard, the result does not matter anymore”. To conclude, we should respect the happiness of others although they share different views, because that is what makes our world colorful and beautiful.
21 de nov. de 2014 4:27