My exam Two weeks ago i had a psycology exam, i was nervous because it was the first exam of the academy year, also it was the first one in my begginig at university. I started to study one month before and i studied a little bit each day. I sumed up all the units and then i read the things that i've wrote, sometimes i explained to my mum to checked if i knew it well. The exam's day i wasnt nervous i was so relaxed and confident with myself, i knew that i'd studied hard and all will be great. Yesterday i had the result and i get an A, so my face right now is such an enormous smile.
21 de nov. de 2014 23:59
Correcciones · 3

My exam

Two weeks ago i had a psycology exam, i was nervous because it was the first exam of the academy year, also it was the first one in my begginig at university.
I started to study one month before and i studied a little bit each day. I sumed up all the units and then i read the things that i've wrote, sometimes i explained to my mum to checked if i knew it well.
The exam's day i wasnt nervous i was so relaxed and confident with myself, i knew that i'd studied hard and all will be great.
Yesterday i had the result and i get an A, so my face right now is such an enormous smile.


Excellent, Sylvia!!! Well, you did the work; so you deserve the A!

Your blurb here is nice and natural, and seems to come straight out of your head and onto the page. So it is easy to understand. There are lots of little mistakes, but don't let them put you off.

I had to laugh about someone being nervous at a psychology exam!!


Two weeks ago, I sat a psychology exam. (I have used "sat" because "I had a psychology exam" is pushing me to think that you "had a psychological examination" i.e. they were trying to figure out whether you were suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or something!)

I was nervous because it was my first exam at university. (that covers it, doesn't it?)

I started to study one month before the exam, and I studied a little bit each day. (I associate "i" with a very young blond; it might be better to type "I". Mind you, I am 61!)

I completed all the units, and then I read everything that I had written. (pluperfect, because the writing took place before the "read")

Sometimes I explained it to my Mum to see if I knew it well. (Better buy her a gift!)

But, when the day of the exam came around, I wasn't nervous. I was so relaxed and confident. (we don't say "confident with myself")

I knew that I'd studied hard and that everything would be great. (If the story is in the present it is "I know that I've studied hard and that everything will be great"; but when it is in the past it is "I knew that I'd studied hard and that everything WOULD be great". But you did fine with the "I knew that I'd studied - correct use of the pluperfect on "I'd studied")

Yesterday, I got the result, and..... I got an A. So my face right now is one big, enormous smile.


Nice story!




22 de noviembre de 2014

My exam

Two weeks ago I had a psychology exam. I was nervous because it was the first of the academy year as well as my first ever university exam.

I started to study one month before and studied a little bit each day. I summarized all the units and then read the things that I wrote.  Sometimes I checked my work with my mother.

On the day of the exam I wasn't nervous anymore.  I was very relaxed and confident with myself because I knew that I'd studied hard and all would be great.

Yesterday I found out that I got an A, so there is an enormous smile on my face right now.

22 de noviembre de 2014

My exam

Two weeks ago I had a psychology exam, I was nervous because it was the first exam of the academic year, also it was also the first exam since I began university one in my begginig at university.
I started to study one month ago before and I studied a little bit each day. I summarised up all the units and then i read the things that i've wrote. Sometimes I explained it to my mum to checked if i knew (understood) it well.
On the day of the exam day I wasn't nervous . I was so very relaxed and confident with in myself because I knew that I'd studied hard and everything would all will be great.
Yesterday I received my had the result and I got an A, so my face right now is such an enormous smile right now I have an enormous smile on my face.

22 de noviembre de 2014
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