the benifit of a tellurion This evening when I stepped into the house, my son waited aside by the door. He gave me a very special welcome ,shouted at me "BaBa, BaBa ,where is the Ipad computer?" I wrinkled my brows.I dislike he is addictive in the game of Ipad computer. Howerver , An idea stroke on me,why not find a way to attract him off the Ipad. So I found the tellurion bought yesterday.I point edto it and said "hi, let's study the map on the tellurion and find out where we live ,how do you like it ?" Suddenly ,I found he feels it 's interesting. and then we enjoyed the time to the tellurion and he seemed to forget the Ipad game. this was absolutely a pleasant idea,I didn't refuse to his request for Ipad but guide him to some other healthy activities.
22 de dic. de 2014 13:04
Correcciones · 2

the benifit of a tellurion

This evening when I stepped into the house, my son was waiting beside the door.
He gave me a very special welcome, shouting "BaBa, BaBa ,where is the Ipad computer?"
I wrinkled my brows. I dislike the fact that he is addict to Ipad computer games.
Howerver , an idea occured to me. Why not find a way to lure him away from the Ipad.
So I found the tellurion that I bought yesterday. I pointed edto <em>(I am guessing "Edto" is your son's name ?)</em> to it and said "hey, let's study the map on the tellurion and find out where we live. What do you think ?" Suddenly, I saw/sensed that he was interested. We enjoyed the time on the tellurion and he seemed to forget about the Ipad game. 

This was an absolutely great idea. I didn't refuse to his request for the Ipad, but I guided him to some other healthy activities.


22 de diciembre de 2014
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