Please correct if had something wrong Today, it's my first day in Italk, and I found to learn English and Spanish first of all, and meet news friends
1 de mar. de 2015 20:27
Correcciones · 8

Please, correct me if it is something wrong.

Today it's my first day [1] on italki. First of all, I found to look for learning English and Spanish, and if possible to make new [2] friends.


[1] - Em tudo que estiver na tela de um computador ou TV se usa "on". Tenha em mente que "on", nestes casos, dá a idéia de contato físico.

[2] - O adjetivo não varia em inglês.

Keep it up

1 de marzo de 2015

Please correct if I had have something anything wrong

Today, it's my first day in Italki, and I found plan to learn English and Spanish first of all, and too meet news friends


Also could be used where where I incerted too but it would have to have also to meet new friends 

1 de marzo de 2015
Please correct me if something is wrong. Today is my first day in italk, which I found to learn English and Spanish, and also to meet new friends.
1 de marzo de 2015
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