Jack Leung
Here Is My Answer of A Quora Question about tea. Could You Please Tell Me Is It Right? Thanks I am sorry I don't know much about herbal tea. But I've been drinking tea since 4 years ago. I drunk three types of teas frequently: Green Tea, Oolong and Black Tea. As I know, the compounds which have refreshing, laxative or other functions are so rare in tea that could not affect one's body. He maybe in a wrong way of drinking tea if one feel bad when he is drinking tea. Here are some experience, I hope it could help you: 1. Don't drink tea at least one hour before/after a meal or two hours before you go to bed. 2. It would be better have enough meat at the day you want to drink tea. 3. It would be better not to drink tea more than 500mL. (It depends on individual, conditions of body and season etc.) 4. When you feel not good, you have to stop drinking tea for a few days until your body conditions come back. 5. If the previous four experience do not work, you'd better reduce drinking tea. All you want to find maybe a cup of warm water. Actually, it's a balancing act. There is a adage in China: You have one thing too much that maybe not better than that you don't have enough(过犹不及). The right amount, time and some other conditions are the keys.^ ^
4 de mar. de 2015 0:00
Correcciones · 3

Here is my answer of A to a quorum on Question about tea. Could you please tell Me Is It if it is right? Thanks!  [Capitalize only if it is a title.  Also your question is not clear, are you talking about the correctness of your English or the essay's content.  I assume that it is your English that needs correcting]

I am sorry I don't know much about herbal tea. But even though I've been drinking tea since 4 four [In formal writing, spell out all simple and easy numbers.  If not, show your lack of care to the essay.  In an examination paper, points will be deducted] years ago. I drunk three types of teas frequently: usually drink green tea, Oolong and deeply fermented teas Black Tea. For me, As I know, the compounds in them makes me feel which have refresheding,and relaxed.  laxative [錯用, 疴嘔, 瀉葯]or other functions are so rare in tea There are also other properties so miniscule that they do could not affect one's body. He maybe in a wrong way of drinking tea if one feel bad when he is drinking tea. 唔明你想講乜嘢, 只猜一下 One should take care of drinking herbal tea if one is not feeling great.


Here are some of my experiences.  I Hope it could they would be of help to you:

1. Don't drink tea at least one an hour before or after a meal or Two hours before you go to bedtime.

2. It would be Better to have enough meat diet at on the day you want to drink it tea.

3. It would be better Do not to drink tea more than 500mL. (It Of course, it depends on the individual, the body conditions of body and the prevailing season etc.

4. When you feel not good, you have to Stop drinking tea for a few days until you feel better. your body conditions come back.

5. If the previous four experience above suggestions do not work, you'd better reduce your intake.  drinking tea. All you want to find maybe a cup of warm water. Just a cup of warm water is all what is needed.

Actually, it's a balancing act. It is all about balance.  There is a Chinese adage in China: You have one thing too much that maybe not better than that you don't have enough Having too much is just as bad as having not enough(过犹不及). The right amount, time and some other conditions are the keys.^ ^No need for this line.  太囉嗦了

4 de marzo de 2015
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