Tourism career in Ibiza I'm styding Tourism at the university in Ibiza. I only have left three subjets to finish. I like this career because you can learn diferent languages. For example: English, French, German and Italian. Peaple from Ibiza speak two native languages: Spanish and Catalan, so at the university, teachers teach in both languages. See you!
4 de mar. de 2015 8:20
Correcciones · 4

Tourism career Degree in Ibiza [carrera is a false friend. In English, your career is your working life, not your studies]

I'm studying Tourism at the university in Ibiza. I only have left three subjects left to finish. I like this career degree because you can learn different languages. For example: English, French, German and Italian. Peaple from Ibiza speak two native languages: Spanish and Catalan, so at the university teachers teach in both languages.

See you!

4 de marzo de 2015
It means, next summer when I'm in Ibiza, I could rely on you as an educated guide, it sounds great! :)
4 de marzo de 2015
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