150320 Steven intro Exam topic Flat adVERtisement, ADvert, ad ADvertiser an IMpact | to imPAct on something EFfect | afFECT What are they advertising? They are advertising... accommodation. Rented accommodation. 2 types of rented accommodation: a studio flat | a studio apartment (flat = apartment AE-Canada) studio flat = an open-plan. partitions central - in the city-centre/town-centre = downtown (Canada) 2 bedroom flat in Dolgopa _can cost as much as.... a central studio flat It costs a thousand dollars a month Before the rouble decreased in value. before the rouble dropped in value IMports (goods and services) become more expensive. Prices become more expensive. Prices rise. Type of houses: A terraced house - a row of houses in a street, joined together detached house = separate house
30 de mar. de 2015 16:20