Dinner with close friends This evening, I had a dinner with my 2 friends, which I had planed for a long time. It was a great opportunity for us to bond as we always tied up at our work. Mr.He, one of my friends, I had known him from a project cooperation since 5 years ago, who booked a restaurant which located in a shopping park and nearby a lake.We could see the crystal clear lake water,various flowers as well as a couple of young people from the big window in front of my table.What a spectacular view! Two of us had been chatting for about 1 hour. Back then, Mr.Si, another my friend, arrived and was expressing an apology. While the sky was getting dark, our dishes were served. We started to sharing some interesting experience about traveling.Mr Si is a professional traveler, he is crazy about visiting some place without any people by himself.What he think is that, during those travels, he could experience different unique feelings, such as living in a cave,forest or seaside by the tent. Not only could it expand his horizon, it’s also gave hime an ace opportunity to talk to his heart with a peace and private environment. In addition, he told us that, if you want to travel to some place like that, you’d better put off your electronic devices,valuable stuff and so on cause they will probably drop off into the river or cave in a fraction of the time. During this dinner, all of us felt quite happy and worn-out to share some private small stories to each other.What I think is that we should usually throw some parties with our close friends or nice co-workers to enhance the relationship.
19 de abr. de 2015 8:16