Personal finances I think is a boring topic, but when you have personal goals such as travel, buy an appartment, study abroad or even have a child is a very important factor to review in detail. I spent many days looked how my friends and family spent their money and how their manage their personal finances and i could conclude that everyone has a different method to do that include to do nothing. Nowadays are many companies specially financial with a large advisers around that but all see difficult or very general for people that need it because of their current situation is very specific and they cannot allign to the advisers. Overall i think thah everyone needs a plan regarding to their goals and curent situation in terms of their amount incomes and debts. If you like to exchange spanish-english please add me to skype [email protected] from mexico... Regards..
19 de abr. de 2015 19:37
Correcciones · 1

Personal Finances

 I think it/this is a boring topic, but when you have personal goals such as: (I think that you have to use this because you are listing to many things??) traveling, buying an appartment, studying abroad or even having a child, is a are very important factors to review in detail. I spent/had spent(you can use either one, "had spent" is a compound form that is perfect present tense) many days looking at how my friends and family spent their money and how their they manage their personal finances and i I could can(I chose this because "could" is like it has happened yet, but I feel like you are saying that you have concluded(in your mind) and you definitely "can" now) conclude that everyone has a different method to do that, including not to do nothing anything at all. Nowadays there are many specialized financial companies specially financial with a large that have big advisors around for that this. Even though they exist, but it all seems difficult or very general for the people that need it. because of  Due to their current situation is very being so specific/critical, and they cannot can't allign to agree/coincide with the advisors. (You can use align, but it isn't a common word, at least not for me. You can choose to use agree or coincide, this is your choice.) Overall, iI think that everyone needs a plan regarding to their goals and current situation in terms of their amount incomes and debts.

If you would like to exchange Spanish for English, please add me to Skype--[email protected] from mexico...



I hope that I understood what you were saying. It was difficult for me. I tried my best with out chopping it up too much. I am sure that there are: more or less semicolons, colons, and commas needed, but I am not an English professor. I would advise you to shorten your sentences. Try to make more sentences in a creative way in order to keep your details. I like detail, but I don't know how to write something like this correctly that has so much detail. Maybe someone that is specialized in this area can help you more than I did. I want to wish all the luck in the world, because I know it had to take time to write this.


20 de abril de 2015
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