My English Learning Well, let`s start. I am learning English since 4th grade of elementary school. I continued it in secondary school, at faculty, and on several courses. I was never satisfied with level of my English knowledge. Actually, it seems to me that biggest achievement I scored while learn new software programs or reading something about my job. My biggest problem is absence of courage to speak without fear of mistakes. I did not have many chances to improve English in live conversation... So, I am where I am. I hope yo will help me to be better :) .
5 de may. de 2015 17:12
Correcciones · 1

My English L learning (nema potrebe da pišeš veliko L, jer je u pitanju reč "učenje". Ne radi se ni o kakvoj reci, planini, nacionalnosti, ...) 

Well, let`s let's start. I have been am learning English since the (jer posle dolazi redni broj) 4th grade of elementary school. I continued it in secondary school, at faculty, and on several courses. I was never satisfied with level of my English knowledge. Actually, it seems to me that the (jer je u pitanju superlativ)  biggest achievement that I scored is while learn new software programs or reading something about my job. My biggest problem is absence of courage to speak without fear of mistakes. I did not have many chances to improve English in live conversation... So, I am where I am. I hope you are going to will help me to be better improve it :) . 


Evo, ovo je već prvi korak ka tome. 

U suštini, jako lepo napisano, samo što si imao poneke stilske greške i ponegde si izostavljao članove. 

Ukoliko su ti potrebni časovi engleskog, slobodno pogledaj moj profil i rezerviši čas onda kada to tebi odgovara. 

Veliki pozdrav iz Beograda. 

1 de junio de 2015
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