Alisha Marie
こんにちわ こんにちわ。私はAlishaです。 21歳です。私はアメリカから。少し日本語が話せます。宜しくお願いします。
7 de may. de 2015 4:14
Correcciones · 2


こんにち。私はAlishaです。 21歳です。私はアメリカから出身<しゅっしん>です。少し日本語が話せます。宜しくお願いします。

The pronunciation of は・ひ・ふ・へ・ほchanged several times.
1. at the top of a word
(~7th century)
(8th century ~ 16th century)
(17th century ~ now)
は[ha]・ひ[hi]→[çi]・ ふ[ɸɯ]・へ[he]・ほ[ho]※[ɯ]is non-rounded[u].

2. except the top of a word
(~7th century)
(8th century ~ 11th century)
(12th century ~ 16th century)
(16th ~ now)
※は and へ are words. But they are pronounced with the former word together. So they are treated as an exception of the top of a word.
※は・ひ・ふ・へ・ほ in traditional orthography were changed to わ・い・う・え・お according to the pronunciation after World War Ⅱ(1946). Actually わたしわ、がっこうえ are allowed for a while.
But は and へ are written in words come from particles now. The reason is for easy reading. When we read わたしわきのうがっこうえいきませんでした, it's too hard to catch the meaning at once. We use は and へ(and を)as particle markers to separate the sentence to words. So we write わたしは、こんにちは、これはこれは、がっこうへ(あなたを)even now.

7 de mayo de 2015


こんにちわ。私はAlishaです。 21歳です。私はアメリカ出身です。から。少し日本語が話せます。宜しくお願いします。


Almost perfect!!

7 de mayo de 2015
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