homework. please correct sentences~ this is homework about writing. title "3 Ways to Stop a Bad Habit # Snacking" Many of us, usually have some snacks. so as to eat when we are starving. however, the situation lead to extra eating. and it can flood your body with extra calories and unhealthy ingredients. you need to quite now too much snacking. First, everyone came up with this idea"stop having some snacks"it is most simple and easy way.but,it is not effective for me. because of I buy snack at stores. Certainly,you too. so, we have to get body does not need snacking. I show you 3 ways. first, you should take at least 20 minutes to finish each meal. in other words, you should not just gulp your food. However much you eat, you can not get full, and it can cause bad effect in your stomach. Second, Do not skipping breakfast. if you disrupt your regular eating pattern, then your brain send hunger signal. it can provoke powerful appetite. Third, get rid of stress. frequently, some people releases stress by eating. if so, you should get fresh mind. These suggestion will change your body and mind. i wish you further improving health.
25 de may. de 2015 15:17
Correcciones · 6

homework. please correct sentences~

this is homework about writing.

title "3 Ways to Stop a Bad Habit # Snacking"

Many of us, usually have some[a favorite] snack so as to [we] eat when we are starving [ hungry]. however, the [this can] situation lead to extra [over] eating. and it [over eating] can flood your body with extra calories and [ due to ]unhealthy ingredients. you need to quite now too much
snacking [i believe people should stop snacking as much as they usually do so they can pursue a healthy life style]. First, everyone came up with this idea"stop having some snacks"it is most simple and easy way. [I have found easy and simple tactics you can use too cut down on calorie consumption, and to help cut down on belly-fat so you can lead a happy, and healthy life!]

but,it is not effective for me. because of I buy snack at stores. Certainly,you too. so, we have to get body

[The human body] does not need snacking.[ However, if you choose to snack,] I show you 3 ways. first, you should take [wait] at least 20 minutes to [after you ]finish each meal. in other words, you should not just gulp your food. However much you eat, you can [try] not [to completely fill your stomach] get full, and .It can cause bad effect[s] in [on] your stomach [health]. Second, Do not skipping breakfast. if you disrupt your regular eating pattern, then your brain [will]send [out]hunger signal[s]. it can provoke [a]powerful appetite[, which can then lead to over eating]. Third[finally], [you should reduce your]get rid of stress [level]. frequently, some [usually, ]people [will] releases [their] stress by eating. if so [this is how you de-stress], you should [try to refresh your mind as much as possible] get fresh mind. These suggestion will [In conclusion, by waiting 20 minutes after each meal to snack, trying not to over-eat, and de-stressing, you can] change your body and[,] mind. [, lifestyle, and may even add years to your life!]

i wish [hope] you [take  these simple, life-changing actions into consideration, and] further [continue to] improving[e] [your] health.

26 de mayo de 2015
It may not be perfect, but great job! i hope this helps. :) keep up the good work!
26 de mayo de 2015
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