One of my favourite book that I have read in English The author is an American guy who wanted to travel around the world. But first he took a voluntary work in a Nepalese orphanage because of his conscience. This book is about how his character has changed because of the impact of the responsibility that improved in himself while he was providing the kids. In that time there was a civil war in Nepal. He assumed the writer’s of the voluntary brochure was exaggerating. He thought there is no organisation that send volunteers into a conflict zone. He mistook. In Nepal he realised that the economic of the country was devastated, people are impoverished. Maoist rebels fought agains the king, and used intimidation and murder to control the people. They abducted children and forced them to fight against the royal government. Child traffickers traded on the fear of families and cheated them by promising they take their kids to the safety region that was still free from the Maoist control. In the king controlled area there were a lot of children abandoned very far from their parents. They became orphans. While this action was lucrative for the child traffickers, the kids starved.
3 de jul. de 2015 11:25
Correcciones · 5

One of my favourite books that I have read in English

The author is an American man who wanted to travel around the world. But first he took a volunteer job in a Nepalese orphanage because of his conscience.
This book is about how his character has improved because of the impact of the responsibility that caused changes in himself while he was providing for the kids.
At that time there was a civil war in Nepal. He assumed the writer of the voluntary brochure for the volunteer job was exaggerating. He thought that there was no organisation that would send volunteers into a conflict zone. He was mistaken.
In Nepal he realised that the economy of the country was devastated, and that the people were impoverished. Maoist rebels fought against the king, and used intimidation and murder to control the people. They abducted children and forced them to fight against the royal government.
Child traffickers traded on the fear of families and cheated them by promising to take their kids to the safer regions that were still free from the Maoist control.
In the area controlled by the king there were a lot of children abandoned very far from their parents. They became orphans. While this action was lucrative for the child traffickers, the kids starved.

3 de julio de 2015
Reading books in English is hard for non native speaker, but very rewarding. Keep up the good work.
5 de julio de 2015
Tika, I will continue this notebook entry and share the information about the author. I'm glad it is interesting for you.
5 de julio de 2015
Who is the writer? What is the name of book? Please tell me too. I got your description interesting.
3 de julio de 2015
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