Time flies so quickly! Today, I wrote program all day. When I write program, time flies so quickly. But, When I don't have anything to do, I feel clock stops. After the lunch does as well. Recently, I am finally getting used write program and getting fun. Local Festival of my city is approaching by the way. There are many kind of thing to do. It will be busy tomorrow too.
4 de ago. de 2015 14:14
Correcciones · 3

Time flies so quickly!

Today, I wrote programs all day. When I write a program, time flies so quickly. But when I don't have anything to do, I feel like the clock stops.
After the lunch it does as well. Recently, I am finally getting used writing programs and having fun. The Local Festival of my city is approaching, by the way. There are many kinds of things to do. It will be busy tomorrow, too.


<em>[Good job.  'Program' can also be a verb.  "I was programming all day today."]</em>

4 de agosto de 2015
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